July 29 – 30, 2020



The Conference for
Machine Learning Innovation






July 29 – 30 2020



Workshop Day

July 29

Talks & Keynotes

Main conference on July 30

Safe and comfortable

Attend from home.

Program Highlights


July 30

The main conference day offers 12 sessions, subdivided into two parallel tracks, focussing on topics like AI, Data Driven Business, Algorithm and much more. And not only that – various surprises await you throughout the day. So it’s worth booking July 29-30 in your calendar, so you won’t miss anything exciting! 

Your Benefits

Whether you’re working from home or in the office, you decide from where you would like to take part.
Save on travel and hotel costs, as well as what matters most: your time!

Our seasoned and trusted ML Con speakers are highly experienced with the learning opportunities of online conferences and workshops.

On the main conference day, you can choose from 2 parallel sessions and switch between them at any time.

On the workshop day you can expect live coding and practical exercises on selected topics that cover state of the art technologies.

You will follow the speaker’s presentation via video stream and will be guided through the learning content.

All sessions on the main conference day will be recorded and made available to you after the conference is over.
Online workshop participants will also be provided with a recording so they can follow up on the content.

Interaction is a key focus of our online workshops!

With special Q&A sessions, a chat function, and the possibility for audio/video communication, individual questions can be taken into account and the pace of the workshop can be adjusted accordingly.

Virtual Get-Together – an online meeting with our experts in three virtual rooms on predefined topics. 

Program ML Conference
Online Edition 2020



Data Science From Research to Production With Jupyter, Kubeflow & Nuclio

Or Zilberman, Iguazio



A Few Million Words Later – Text Analytics for Software Quality Assurance in Practice


Conference Wrap up & Raffle

Sebastian Meyen, Software & Support Media


Welcome & Introduction

Sebastian Meyen, Software & Support Media


No prejudice. No remorse. Unsupervised ML


Lunch-Talk: The Ethics of AI – dealing with difficult choices in a non-binary world

Eric Reiss, FatDUX Group


Let’s Talk About Security Issues in Today’s ML Systems

David Glavas, Technical University of Munich (TUM)


AbadIA: How to build an AI from zero to learn to play and solve a tough game


Predicting Hotel Cancellations With Machine Learning: Classification and Time Series Analysis

Michael Grogan, MGCodesandStats


An Introduction to Natural Language Generation

Christoph Henkelmann, DIVISIO GmbH


Production nightmare of building AI systems at scale – The last mile


Scaling Machine Learning Systems up to Billions of Predictions per Day

Carmine Paolino, Alan Turing Institute


NLU in Other Languages

Burak Isikli, Akbank


AI for Decision Makers

Uri Eliabayev, Machine & Deep Learning Israel


AutoML, the Good, the Bad and the Why

Jan Mulkens, Ahead with Data


Developing a Match-Making Algorithm Between Customers and Go-Jek Products!

Gunjan Dewan, Go-Jek


Protecting AI Solutions From Attacks

Alex Polyakov, Adversa.AI


AI with a devops mindset – experimentation, sharing and easier ML deployment

Save the Date

July 29 – 30, 2020

Workshop Day 9 am – 5 pm MESZ 

Conference Day 9 am – 6 pm MESZ

Any questions?

Contact us: [email protected]

The Machine Learning Conference Online Edition 2020 is carried out with a browser based video solution with no need to install any additional software.

Teilnehmen und Gewinnen!


 Ausgefeilte Ingenieurskunst und modernste Technik vereint in einer Drohne: Mit der Mavic-2-Pro und ihrer ikonischen Hasselblad-Bildqualität, entdeckt ihr die Welt der Luftbildfotografie in herausragender Detailgenauigkeit völlig neu.

Meldet euch jetzt für die Online Edition an und gewinnt mit etwas Glück eine  Mavic-2-Pro-Drohne im Wert von 1499 €!

Wir drücken Euch die Daumen!

Hurry up! Buy your tickets now

Main conference day for free for all registered attendee of any ML Conference Edition 2020! Attendees will also receive a 25 % discount for the workshop day. The invitation will be sent to the email address used for the conference registration.